Ohio River Vision & Strategic Plan

On this webpage, you will see ideas and concepts for the future of the Evansville region, Downtown Evansville, and the Riverfront Park based on the community engagement feedback and site analysis in the first phase.

Please go through each section tab to review the ideas and concepts for sites at each scale.

Take the Design Concepts Survey below to share your input!

Ohio River Vision & Strategic Plan

On this webpage, you will see ideas and concepts for the future of the Evansville region, Downtown Evansville, and the Riverfront Park based on the community engagement feedback and site analysis in the first phase.

Please go through each section tab to review the ideas and concepts for sites at each scale.

Take the Design Concepts Survey below to share your input!

Ohio River Vision & Strategic Plan

On this webpage, you will see ideas and concepts for the future of the Evansville region, Downtown Evansville, and the Riverfront Park based on the community engagement feedback and site analysis in the first phase.

Please go through each section tab to review the ideas and concepts for sites at each scale.

Take the Design Concepts Survey below to share your input!

Thank you for your feedback!

The planning process has engaged thousands of residents from the Evansville Region. Feedback from the survey, open house, and focus groups has provided the foundation of the design concepts you will see today.

Thank you for your feedback!

The planning process has engaged thousands of residents from the Evansville Region. Feedback from the survey, open house, and focus groups has provided the foundation of the design concepts you will see today.

Thank you for your feedback!

The planning process has engaged thousands of residents from the Evansville Region. Feedback from the survey, open house, and focus groups has provided the foundation of the design concepts you will see today.




Engagement Summary

Engagement Summary

Engagement Summary




Regional Planning

Regional Planning

Regional Planning

Regional Cooperation,

Regional Outcomes


Through Urbanism

Conservation Through



to the River

Regional Themes

Regional Themes

The regional plan includes overall planning of the 50-mile long riverfront corridor from Mount Vernon to Evansville to Newburgh.

Three themes have emerged for the planning work at the regional scale: Regional Cooperation, Regional Outcomes; Conservation by Urbanization; and Reorienting to the River.




Downtown Evansville

Downtown Evansville

Downtown Evansville

Downtown Evansville

Downtown Evansville is the heart of the region. As a place with the greatest concentration of economic, civic, cultural, and active uses and one of the most established relationships with the Ohio Riverfront, there is great potential to grow and enhance the experience of downtown.

Three themes have emerged for the planning work at the downtown scale: Hug the River, Stitch the City, and Main Street and More.

Hug the River

Hug the River


the River

Stitch the City

Stitch the City


the City

Main Street and More

Main Street and More

More than

Main Street

Downtown Evansville Themes

Downtown Evansville Themes

  • Hug The River

    Growth, Development and Activation

  • Hug The River

    Mobility and Transportation

  • Hug The River

    Ecology and Open Space

  • Hug The River

    Growth, Development and Activation

  • Hug The River

    Mobility and Transportation

  • Hug The River

    Ecology and Open Space

  • Hug The River

    Growth, Development and Activation

  • Hug The River

    Mobility and Transportation

  • Hug The River

    Ecology and Open Space

Downtown Evansville

Hug the River

Downtown Evansville was originally sited where it is today because of its proximity to the vital waterway of the Ohio River. For generations the river served as an economic engine and a gateway to the larger region.

As we embark on planning and design work to envision a strong future for the region and Downtown Evansville, we look for opportunities to strengthen and enhance the relationship between Downtown and the Ohio River.

The hug the river theme is about the multi-layered ways in which the city can embrace the riverfront as an engine of commerce, ecological health, resilience, tourism, and community vibrancy.

Downtown Evansville

Hug the River

Downtown Evansville was originally sited where it is today because of its proximity to the vital waterway of the Ohio River. For generations the river served as an economic engine and a gateway to the larger region.

As we embark on planning and design work to envision a strong future for the region and Downtown Evansville, we look for opportunities to strengthen and enhance the relationship between Downtown and the Ohio River.

The hug the river theme is about the multi-layered ways in which the city can embrace the riverfront as an engine of commerce, ecological health, resilience, tourism, and community vibrancy.

Downtown Evansville

Hug the River

Downtown Evansville was originally sited where it is today because of its proximity to the vital waterway of the Ohio River. For generations the river served as an economic engine and a gateway to the larger region.

As we embark on planning and design work to envision a strong future for the region and Downtown Evansville, we look for opportunities to strengthen and enhance the relationship between Downtown and the Ohio River.

The hug the river theme is about the multi-layered ways in which the city can embrace the riverfront as an engine of commerce, ecological health, resilience, tourism, and community vibrancy.

Downtown Evansville

Stitch the City

Downtown Evansville, like many urban centers across the country, saw fundamental reshaping of its connectivity to the rest of the city in the middle of the 20th century. With the introduction of highways like the Lloyd Expressway and an expanded Riverside Drive, this higher capacity means of traversing the region were also barriers to slower means of movement in and out of the downtown area.

The stitch the city theme organizes ideas related to enhancing connections to, from, and through downtown to create safer and more comfortable access to and from Evansville’s neighborhoods.

Downtown Evansville

Stitch the City

Downtown Evansville, like many urban centers across the country, saw fundamental reshaping of its connectivity to the rest of the city in the middle of the 20th century. With the introduction of highways like the Lloyd Expressway and an expanded Riverside Drive, this higher capacity means of traversing the region were also barriers to slower means of movement in and out of the downtown area.

The stitch the city theme organizes ideas related to enhancing connections to, from, and through downtown to create safer and more comfortable access to and from Evansville’s neighborhoods.

Downtown Evansville

Main Street and More

Today, Main Street in Downtown Evansville is a vibrant place, full of retail, restaurants, bars, entertainment, and other amenities, all supported by a rich, walkable public realm.

The Main Street and more theme looks for opportunities to build on the success of Main Street to expand that development, adaptive reuse, event programming, and commerce to new, secondary nodes of activity within the downtown.

Leveraging existing city assets and underutilized sites, the plan will recommend focused areas for investment and enhancements that better connect these sites to Main Street, the riverfront, and the entirety of Downtown Evansville.

Downtown Evansville

Main Street and More

Today, Main Street in Downtown Evansville is a vibrant place, full of retail, restaurants, bars, entertainment, and other amenities, all supported by a rich, walkable public realm.

The Main Street and more theme looks for opportunities to build on the success of Main Street to expand that development, adaptive reuse, event programming, and commerce to new, secondary nodes of activity within the downtown.

Leveraging existing city assets and underutilized sites, the plan will recommend focused areas for investment and enhancements that better connect these sites to Main Street, the riverfront, and the entirety of Downtown Evansville.




Downtown Evansville Riverfront

Downtown Evansville Riverfront

Downtown Evansville Riverfront

The planning and design team is paying particular attention to the zone between downtown Evansville and the Ohio River—the Downtown Evansville Riverfront. You can explore the two conceptual alternatives in this section.

The planning and design team is paying particular attention to the zone between downtown Evansville and the Ohio River—the Downtown Evansville Riverfront. You can explore the two conceptual alternatives in this section.

The planning and design team is paying particular attention to the zone between downtown Evansville and the Ohio River—the Downtown Evansville Riverfront. You can explore the two conceptual alternatives in this section.

Existing Conditions

Existing Conditions








Concept Alternatives

Concept Alternatives

Concept Alternatives

Ripple Park:
Pulling the park into the City

Urban Wilderness:
Extending city to the River

Riverfront Concept Alternatives:

Riverfront Concept Alternatives:

Riverfront Concept Alternatives:

Ripple Park

Ripple Park

Ripple Park

Ripple Park

The Ripple Park concept aims to pull the river and park into the city and create a continuous riverfront green space experience with multi-level spaces for gathering and diverse activities.

Ripple Park

The Ripple Park concept aims to pull the river and park into the city and create a continuous riverfront green space experience with multi-level spaces for gathering and diverse activities.

Ripple Park

The Ripple Park concept aims to pull the river and park into the city and create a continuous riverfront green space experience with multi-level spaces for gathering and diverse activities.

Ripple Park


Riverside Drive would be transformed into a grand, two-lane traffic, tree-lined boulevard with parallel parking, multi-modal paths and easy connections to Downtown Evansville.

The park connects the city level and the water's edge through slopes and terraces linked by meandering paths, shade and greenery.

Upper level retail and plaza spaces will be protected from flooding, while opportunities to touch and interact with the water is provided via floodable landscapes at the lower levels.

Ripple Park


Riverside Drive would be transformed into a grand, two-lane traffic, tree-lined boulevard with parallel parking, multi-modal paths and easy connections to Downtown Evansville.

The park connects the city level and the water's edge through slopes and terraces linked by meandering paths, shade and greenery.

Upper level retail and plaza spaces will be protected from flooding, while opportunities to touch and interact with the water is provided via floodable landscapes at the lower levels.

Riverfront Concept Alternatives:

Riverfront Concept Alternatives:

Riverfront Concept Alternatives:

Urban Wilderness

Urban Wilderness

Urban Wilderness

Urban Wilderness

The Urban Wilderness concept works to push the city's edge closer to the river by creating a new urban frontage for waterfront retail and other mixed uses. Riverside Drive would be transformed into a shared street* with slowed vehicular traffic and a greater emphasis on a safe and comfortable pedestrian experience at key downtown blocks.

*Also known as a “pedestrian-priority” street, a shared street is a roadway designed for slow travel speeds where pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists all share the right of way.

Urban Wilderness

The Urban Wilderness concept works to push the city's edge closer to the river by creating a new urban frontage for waterfront retail and other mixed uses. Riverside Drive would be transformed into a shared street* with slowed vehicular traffic and a greater emphasis on a safe and comfortable pedestrian experience at key downtown blocks.

*Also known as a “pedestrian-priority” street, a shared street is a roadway designed for slow travel speeds where pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists all share the right of way.

Urban Wilderness

The Urban Wilderness concept works to push the city's edge closer to the river by creating a new urban frontage for waterfront retail and other mixed uses. Riverside Drive would be transformed into a shared street* with slowed vehicular traffic and a greater emphasis on a safe and comfortable pedestrian experience at key downtown blocks.

*Also known as a “pedestrian-priority” street, a shared street is a roadway designed for slow travel speeds where pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists all share the right of way.

Urban Wilderness


The new urban edge will create “rooms” for different programs, activities, and experiences along the river while also unlocking new development sites that could help fund and support the transformational improvements envisioned for the riverfront.

Dress Plaza would become a grand new urban balcony, surrounded by soft edges and wetlands with boardwalk access at the other parts of the riverfront.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Please choose a survey link below to share

your feedback and input.

Please choose a survey link below to share your feedback and input.